Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A year later -

My beloved dog, Ralphie, died a year ago in July. He died before his time and before I had time to prepare. I have been sad for a year honestly.  I am better though. 

When we lost him I decided that
Holy shit.  Dramatic much?  This is not me
and I hope it's not anybody.

even though the pain I felt was unbearable, I would get another dog and ultimately go through that pain again.  
I want to have it all. I mean everything. Some people have said that you can "have it all," but not all at the same time.  You can't focus on family and career at the same time - something has to give.  That's probably true, but I don't care.

I want it all and I want it all as soon as I can get it.  So I am going to totally negate a post I wrote a long time ago - here.  And instead I am perfecting* a life plan I call the "Chaos Theory." This is NOT the science idea by the same name - this theory is less smart, super simple, and equally as intriguing to me.  

The Tired Girl's Chaos Theory is to embrace the chaos that comes when you try and have it all. 

Your hormone numbers are superb and this is a good month to do a round of IVF, BUT you also just started a brand new job and its not a great time to disappear every day to have a nurse evaluate your follicle growth??? No problem.  

You just started a new job that requires a lot of time and you also decide to adopt a puppy that requires a lot energy???  Done.

This guy could have benefited from some TG Chaos Theory.
You decide to have a garage sale and list your house the same week and also go out of town on business??? Roger that.

You decide to get in shape and lose weight and go on the paleo diet temporarily and it also happens to be the month you are moving and all your kitchen is packed up?? Piece of cake (paleo cake, which is not that good really). 

These are just examples of things that may or may not have come up in the last year.  These are things that in the past I would have dedicated my time to singularly and not combined them. BUT - here is the best part - when you combine big things in your life then one thing does not dominate.  

Consumed by the shittiness of IVF? I don't have time for that I have this new effing job to figure out.  
Consumed by this new job that I have no effing idea what I am doing??  No time to stress about that I have to go shoot myself up (as usual - who am I kidding Joe does it for me) with hormones.  
Crazy hormones not needed - this is just a great way to live.

I am not pregnant, have not yet received a major promotion, AM in therapy, and have a wild dog, but I am sticking with this for awhile.  If nothing else it's interesting.

Anyone else in for a few major life changes all at once all the time? 

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