Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to think -

Thinking is important for a lot of reasons that you know, so I don't have to tell you. 

But sometimes getting in to a situation where your brain is the perfect mix of relaxed and alert is harder to accomplish than you would first imagine. 
About wine vs hard liquor - or is it just me?

Once it happens a few times you know the value of dedicated thinking time and what can come from it. Everything from major life choices to the subtle adjustments needed to make a project work. 

It's worth the effort. 

Here are a few ideas:
- Shower (classice - everyone knows this one)
- Bed (usually around 2:30 am for me)
- Acupuncture
- After wine has set in (but before crying starts - I've got a small window)
- Driving alone or with someone quiet
- When I am ovulating (just being honest here in case it works for you too)
- Time away (like days and days)
- Church (no offense to the minister/father/speaker)
- Music - the right kind can create that mix of relaxed and engaged
- White noise  (TV blaring) - Makes me nutso but my husband does well with this. 
- Tanning Bed (not recommended for the whole CANCER part)

Times that do not work for me:
- Dedicated time to "sit and think" (bleh)
- Yoga ("This hurts")
- Treadmill  ("This sucks.")
- While drinking hard liquor  ("I like dizzy!")
- Massage (All I think about is the person massaging me.)

I am a morning thinker (different than a morning person I think).  If things aren't working for me past 8 pm (ha haha hahah ha how about 6:30) I know that first thing in the a.m. the solution will usually present itself. For others this happens in the quiet dark of the evening. 

I wrote these words without any research and here is science that backs ME up (bam). The bottom line if you don't want to read all that, is that occasions that create dopamine, or are relaxing, cause creativity. But there is more if you want to read - here. 
Came from Pinterest long time ago.
Looks like was made for children I think.
Could be helpful to adults.

"A brain is a place to have ideas, not a place to store them." Ironically I forgot where I read this or who said it. But it really affected me. 

I went on a quest to buy or create a cool "planner" to help organize myself, and house/channel my ideas.  There are only a million interesting planners out there as proved by my Pinterest feed. I downloaded this (Passion Planner) at one point, but the truth is a blank piece of paper in a spiral notebook works the best for me - I can make lists inside lists, etc. 

Just like eye cream it's less important the how's and what's and more important that you just do it.  Even if tired, you know I am there with you, pay attention to the times where your brain just opens up. 

If you got lost in this quote you aren't alone. I had to read a few times - no judgement dammit. But these words have a valid point. I want to coax my lively brain along.  
Comehere brain!

Anyone have ideas for how to think well?
Does music work for or against you? 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Turkey Meatballs -

I rarely read food blogs. Because a) I don't like to cook, and b) I don't read many blogs because I am afraid I may steal someone else's voice. But regardless I always end up on food blogs, because I want the dang recipe that I found on Pinterest and I have to scroll through 18 photos and a story about someone's grandma's neighbor to get the part where I am told what the actual recipe is. No offense though because I do appreciate the part where there is an actual recipe. A recipe I wouldn't have otherwise. 
Liz Lemon is my spirit animal. 

So no stories - just the recipe. 

Tired Girl Turkey Meatballs -
2 1/2 lbs of ground turkey (I get this at Sam's Club)
1 egg
1/4 cup warm milk
1/2 cup bread crumbs (about 1.5 pieces of bread or about 15 saltines or whatever you have on hand) (I use rice crackers for my mother in law who is Gluten-Free)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp Worcestshire Sauce
3 tsp-ish Onion Powder, 
2 tsp-ish Parsley, 
2 tsp-ish Oregano, 
2 tsp-ish Basil

Meatballs - one of the more ugly foods. 
These guys are as camera ready as possible.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients with your hands. Line brownie pan with foil, spray with cooking spray (so you don't have to wash the pan).  

Using a 1/2 cup scoop out and form mixture in to big meatballs. I measured mine out at first - consistency is the key to getting them all cooked correctly. Bake 25-30 minutes. 

I serve with rice or spaghetti squash and a veggie. But there is any number of combos that are good with these. They are also great to make ahead, make a double batch, or make and bring to a family with a new baby, etc. 

My cookbook: "Weeknight Dinners - Recipes To Make in Your Sleep" will be finished soon - in true Tired Girl form I am not done with it yet. Bleh. 

If you want me to contact you when my cookbook is available, please sign up for email HERE. You can also see the cover.
I won't spam you - I don't have the energy for all that. I'll just email you and say "Hey, if you want to buy my cookbook, you can now."  It's going to seem like you "subscribed" to something, but you didn't. 
Five email signer-uppers will receive a free cookbook. 

If you want to follow The Tired Girl's (me!) blog click HERE

Yes to Life -

I recently made turkey meatballs on TV.  In true Tired Girl style I had the great idea to submit a recipe to a syndicated TV show that is filmed here in Tampa - called Daytime.

Ideas are always the easy part. I heart ideas. But then I had to follow through. Follow through is the hard part. I am not so great at follow through.  That basically sums up Tired Girls - first our brains are connecting and excited with ideas for our lives, and then our brains are like: "Oh shit. I have to do something." 

The quick story of how I came to be working innocently from home in my pj's to sticking my hand in raw ground turkey on TV is this: 

- I emailed the show (called Daytime)  when they asked if anyone wanted to share a recipe. 
- Then I over thought my potential four minute cooking spot for about a week. 
- I googled "TV makeup."  I googled "Tips for being on TV."  I reached out to some famous chefs about how not to ruin your life when cooking on TV.  
- I made a bunch of turkey meatballs the day before. 
- I wore a bunch of makeup that day. 
- And then went out to lunch with a friend, when it was over. Because TV personalities lunch (it's a verb)

This post has no tips or suggestions. I am just telling the story because cooking turkey meatballs on TV is a thing.  I will post my life changing Tired Girl Turkey Meatball recipe. I will post the four minute segment of me probably making awkward faces, when it airs. I will also post about "How To Be On TV and Not Melt Down" or some similar title. 

There is nothing normal about this video. But this is what happens when you have to get ready to cook on TV. 
Yes Witch Hazel and Bactine are involved. 

Anyone else out there ever make turkey meatballs on TV? 
Anyone else want to start hashtagging everything #turkeymeatballs, regardless of relevance? 
Anyone ever sign up to do something and then wonder what in the heckfire you were thinking? 

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